Over time even the best pier & beam foundations will show signs of ageing, as settling of piers, sagging floor joist and rotted sill plate are pretty much inevitable as the soil moisture levels change. Solutions could be as simple as re-shimming the piers, wood replacement and increasing ventilation in the affected areas.
Pier & Beam
1 Year Reshim/Reset Warranty on all Pier and Beam Work
5 Year Warranty on Pad and Block Supports
10 Year Warranty on Poured Base and Blocks Supports
Pier and Beam foundation repair can include many different support systems. Typically, a pier & beam foundation is supported by an exterior concrete grade beam. The sill plate will lay flat along the top of the grade beam and will support the floor joist. Many times, you will have rotting on the sill plate around exterior doorways or porch areas. This could lead to rotting of the ends of the floor joist as well. The interior floor joists are reinforced by beams and secure the inside weight of the home.
Both the floor joist and beams can be affected by interior water or sewer leaks. The pier and beam system should be supported by metal shims between the interior piers and double beams. One advantage of the pier and beam system is you can easily modify the inside elevations by adjusting your shim height. Ventilation from the outside is needed throughout the crawlspace to keep the support system good and dry. For every 150 square feet of crawlspace you should have one square foot of ventilation along the outside of the foundation. Each of these areas will be inspected during the assessment.
Note: all woodwork in a pier and beam foundation should be replaced using treated lumber.

Foundation Dynamics, Inc.
11255 Camp Bowie West, Suite 117
Fort Worth, TX 76008
Phone: (817) 560-0240
Fax: (817) 560-0250
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